Saturday, September 29, 2012

Acknowledging History is Hypocrisy

I found this video online when I was watching a few news videos of Iran's potential nuclear capability. It's a time lapse map of every single nuclear explosion throughout a span of 50+ years. It's one of the most amazing yet terrifying things that I've ever seen in my life. Since the video is nearly 15 minutes long (and possibly mundane), you may not be interested in watching the whole thing, but I would personally recommend watching at least the last two minutes of the video, starting from the 12:00 marker. I'm not trying to make a political statement by posting this, rather just to show how countries around the world are using nuclear weapons without consideration of its effects on people and the environment. 
It's funny how half of the world is throwing sanctions on Iran for their nuclear program but they fail to see who have been the repeat offenders throughout history. Like I said, I'm not blaming anyone in particular for this problem, but it's just something that people seem to disregard these days. For some of us, acknowledging history is hypocrisy.
Thanks for reading,
Sam R.

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