Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Song of the Week

Green Day is not one of the best bands in the world, this I will admit. However, they had a time when they had a lot of mainstream popularity, especially amongst college students. During that time, they made what most would call 'their best music'. According to the lead singer, the album American Idiot was the album that the worked the hardest on. As a result, it became a very popular record and the effort paid off for the entire band. Green Day is one of the modern bands, that in my opinion, set the bar for rock music.

The song that I chose today is one of my favorite from when they used to be popular. You probably know the entire song word for word, and you might as well sing along.

This is just the video of the song. The music video has a bit of a plot line behind and as a result, it is a few minutes longer than the song. Scroll below this video if you would like to view.

Music Video

So what do you think of the song? Do you have another favorite Green Day song? Let us all know in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading,

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